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New Practitioner eXperience News Summer 2018
OPA New Practitioner eXperience (NPX) LaunchpadAugust 2018 |
Welcome to the NPX Launchpad
Welcome to the Summer edition of the NPX Launchpad, the quarterly newsletter intended to help you, new practitioners, excel personally and professionally! Check out our featured articles:
We hope you enjoy the NPX Launchpad and we invite each of you to take the next step in your professional growth by getting involved with NPX today! Sincerely, your NPX Advisory Team, |
Chair: Jen Sabatino, PharmD, BCACP |
Meet the 2018-2019 Advisory Team!
Chair: Jen Sabatino, PharmD, BCACPWhat is the one thing you can’t live without? Vice-Chair: Dana (Bachmann) Wilkerson, PharmD, MSWhat is the one thing you can’t live without? Member-at-Large: Emily Eddy, R.Ph., PharmDWhat is the one thing you can’t live without? Member-at-Large: Lindsay Tsai, R.Ph., PharmDWhat is the one thing you can’t live without? Member-at-Large: Marilee Clemons, R.Ph., PharmDWhat is the one thing you can’t live without? Launchpad Coordinator: Lauren Castle, R.Ph., PharmDWhat is the one thing you can’t live without? |
Practitioner Profile
Dana (Bachmann) Wilkerson, PharmD, MS
What’s your current position? What year and from where did you graduate? |
Professional Pearls
So, you aren't a student or a resident anymore... 1. Stay on the resident schedule (a little) |
Rx Impact
Volunteering at Reach Out’s Bettman Charitable Pharmacy in Dayton, Ohio
By Lauren Castle, R.Ph., PharmD When I was promoted to a district manager role for my company last fall, one of my biggest reservations was that I would be stepping away from the bench only 5 years after becoming a pharmacist. I spent 6 years in pharmacy school to become a community pharmacist; something that I had wanted to do since I was 16 years old. I was so involved with my patients’ health care in my store, and in creating and testing new clinical programs to better their outcomes. Accepting this promotion might mean that I lose the one piece of my job that brought me the most joy every day; interacting with my patients. Or so I thought… My first day shadowing... [Continue Reading...] |
Money Matters
Why You Should "Just Say No" to Company StockBy NPX Member, Renee Bonsell, R.Ph., PharmD As a pharmacist turned financial planner, I’ve experienced firsthand many of the financial obstacles and challenges that my clients are now facing. Through my company, Pharmacist Wealth, I’ve had the pleasure of helping hundreds of pharmacists across the country achieve financial success and navigate the complex economic decisions that are unique to our profession. From managing student loans, to selecting employee benefits, to purchasing disability insurance and maximizing tax deductions, there seems to be a shared set of questions that we’ve all had throughout our careers. Fortunately, we can easily turn to an insurance agent, tax accountant, or HR representative to answer most of these. But when our questions are investment related, namely whether or not we should buy company stock from our employer, it can be difficult to find a trusted professional to confide in. For example, if we turn to an investment broker, he or she is just as likely to sell us a product as they are to provide us with unbiased advice. And if we ask a representative from our own company, we’ll probably hear stories about what it means to be a “team player” and believe in our company. After all, the corporate executives are probably invested heavily in company stock, so we should be too, right? Well, not exactly. |
Get Involved with the Launchpad
Thank you Renee for submitting an article for the Money Matters section of the Launchpad. You can help us write the next newsletter! Articles may be submitted for Practitioner Profile, Professional Pearls, Rx Impact, Ohio Days, or A Taste of Our Kitchen. Have an idea for another article relevant to new practitioners? You can submit that as well! Sign up for upcoming articles at our Google Doc: Articles should be submitted in a Word document to Lauren Castle. Photographs for articles should be submitted separately for higher quality images. Thank you! |
A Taste of Our Kitchen
Giada's Chicken Piccata |
From the kitchen of Marilee Clemons, R.Ph., PharmDInstructions: Season chicken with salt and pepper. Dredge chicken in flour and shake off excess. Recipe from: |
Ingredients: 2 skinless and boneless chicken breasts, butterflied and then cut in half Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper All-purpose flour, for dredging 6 tablespoons unsalted butter 5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 1/3 cup fresh lemon juice 1/2 cup chicken stock 1/4 cup brined capers, rinsed 1/3 cup fresh parsley, chopped |
Ohio Days
Dayton, Ohio: A Day in the Gem City!
By Lauren Castle, R.Ph., PharmD While Columbus, Cleveland and Cincinnati are all fantastic cities with lots to offer, Dayton, OH has earned its nickname the “Gem City” from an 1845 newspaper article that stated “it may be fairly said that Dayton is the gem of all our interior towns.” It’s got all of the fun of a big city but with way less traffic and crowds! Dayton is full of rich history, and is home of the Wright Patterson Air Force Base, National Museum of the USAF, Historic Carillon Park, and the Dayton Art Institute. Dayton is centered in the heart of the Miami Valley and is also home to the Five Rivers Metroparks |
News & Upcoming Events
Pharmacist Training Program for ImmunizationsWednesday, August 29 at the OPA office - Registration is open Long Acting Injectables Training will be offered soon.Friday, September 21 (tentative) at the OPA office APhA’s Diabetes Care Certificate Training Program for PharmacistsTuesday, September 25, 2018 - Registration is open OPA Midyear MeetingSunday, November 4, 2018 - Makoy Center, Hilliard, OH |
NPX Committee Liaisons
Summer 2018 Committee Liaison ReportsPractice Advancement & Innovation (June 28) The Practice Advancement and Innovation Committee, formerly the Medication Therapy Management Committee, held their first meeting going into the 2018-2019 year with a focus on how the Committee can best meet the needs of the members that they represent from various practice settings. A past product of the Committee, the Collaborative Practice Agreement templates, are now available to OPA member on the OPA website. Committee members and guest APPE students worked actively during the June meeting on the Payor Toolkit, which will include a glossary of terms to provide OPA members with information to use when approaching stakeholders to discuss financial support for pharmacist-provided services. Also during the meeting, the MTM Consortium reported on the completion of the data collection portion of their 5-year CDC-funded project designed to support expansion and integration of pharmacist-provided MTM in Ohio FQHCs. Member Services & Development (July 17) Discussed membership report in detail looking for opportunities to grow membership. Opportunities to grow Pharmacy Student membership leading to second opportunity of growing NPX membership. Many students do not join and/or may not be aware they can join separate to APhA or that by joining APhA also CAN join OPA. Want to make concerted effort to get NPX more visible on campuses to drive student membership that will end up also helping NPX membership. The OPA Awards deadline is September 20, 2018. OPA Awards & Leadership Nomination |
OPA/NPX Mentorship Program
If you are looking for a mentor within your profession, or perhaps are interested in becoming a mentor for new pharmacy practitioners and students, we want your involvement! Join the Ohio Pharmacists Association and New Practitioner eXperience as we work towards offering mentoring opportunities in 2018. Mentees can learn from mentors’ experiences, both personal and professional, related to career paths, leadership roles, skill development, and much more. It takes just a few minutes to fill out the online application. Click here to link to the form! |