Complete Story
December 5: Pharmacist Legislative Day
Pharmacist Legislative Day 2024
The Athletic Club of Columbus
There are big Pharmacy issues this year: mandated dispensing, State of Ohio Board of Pharmacy Rules, Test & Treat, and more!
Legislative Day is an advocacy event that affords pharmacists and student pharmacists the opportunity to meet with legislators to educate them about the value of pharmacists as part of the healthcare team. You will learn about the latest legislative issues in the Ohio Statehouse, discuss ways to effectively communicate those issues, hear from the legislators themselves, and have a chance to meet legislators one or one. This program will allow you to learn about and become involved in the issues impacting Ohio pharmacy practice. We’ll discuss further actions that need to be taken to oppose mandated dispensing in Ohio and other critical pharmacy issues.
The Ohio Pharmacists Association, the Ohio Society of Health-System Pharmacy, and several OPA partners have joined together for this special day of advocacy to inform you of crucial legislation impacting pharmacy practice. Pharmacist Legislative Day is designed to develop open dialogue between pharmacists and lawmakers. Be part of the important process that will shape the profession of pharmacy in the state of Ohio.
Invited Speakers Include:
Dir. Steven Schierholt |
Rep. Scott Lipps |
Sen. Stephen Huffman |
Who Should Attend?
OPA ISIG or LDF Member | $55.00 |
OPA or OSHP Member | $70.00 |
Non OPA or OSHP Member | $110.00 |
Student Pharmacist | $55.00 |
Can't make it to Legislative Day? Help us carry the load.
Support the OPA Pharmacy PAC
The OPA Pharmacy Political Action Committee (PAC) is your means of informing and educating state legislators about the significance of pharmacists in Ohio and the role the profession plays in constantly changing health care environment. Pharmacy PAC money contributed by members goes to help candidates who support pharmacy in Ohio.
The Ohio Pharmacy PAC needs your support! With your contribution, OPA will continue to monitor and initiate the legislation that impacts your practice.
Support the Legislative Defense Fund
The OPA Legislative Defense Fund (LDF) was created in 2014 at the request of an independent pharmacy owner seeking to help OPA boost its advocacy efforts for pharmacists.
Unlike a Political Action Committee (PAC) fund, where personal funds are given directly to political campaigns, both personal and corporate funds are accepted by the LDF to enhance our government affairs endeavors, and there are no limits on the amount you can give. Contributions from corporate funds may be tax deductible as a business expense. For more info and to make a monthly contribution to our advocacy efforts, please see the OPA Legislative Defense Fund Brochure. Choose the giving level that best suits you, and then fill in your billing information. OPA will bill your account in the middle of each month, and you will receive a receipt at the end of the year for reporting. Then it’s our job to put that money to good use.