Registration for the 2018 Pharmacy Student Legislative Day is now open! Student Legislative Day is an ad..." />
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2018 Pharmacy Student Legislative Day - Register Now!

Senator Tom Sawyer D-Akron meets with student pharmacist constituents.Registration for the 2018 Pharmacy Student Legislative Day is now open!

Student Legislative Day is an advocacy event that allows student pharmacists to meet with legislators to educate them about the value of pharmacists in the world of health care. You will learn about the latest legislative issues in the Ohio Statehouse, learn how to effectively communicate those issues, hear from the legislators themselves, and have a chance to individually visit the offices of legislators. This program will allow you to learn and become involved in the issues impacting Ohio pharmacy practice. We’ll discuss MAC pricing legislation, provider status, scope of practice expansion, and other critical issues.

With last year's attendance featuring nearly 250 student pharmacists and faculty members, we anticipate this year's to be even bigger.

There are big pharmacy issues coming up: provider status, PBM reform, scope of practice expansion, and more! We need your help to stand up for pharmacists!

Registration will begin at 8:30 a.m. at the Sheraton Columbus at Capitol Square, 75 E State St, Columbus, 43215.

The schedule will be as follows:

8:30 am                Registration: 75 E State St, Columbus, 43215
9:00 am                Become a Legislative Expert session
10:15 am              Legislative Leaders Forum
11:30 am              Lunch
12:00 pm              Legislative Briefing on Pharmacy Issues
1:00-3:30 pm        Meet with your Legislators
3:30 pm                Legislative Day Report

Each Ohio college of pharmacy has an initial allotment of 40 slots per college. If those slots aren't filled by January 31, they will be released to wait-listed students from colleges that have already met their quota. So, if your school has already hit their max of 40, please call the OPA office at 614-389-3236 to add your name to the wait-list. 

If you are a student that does not attend one of the seven Ohio colleges of pharmacy, please use the PDF brochure for your registration.

We encourage students to please submit their HOME addresses in order to give everyone a better experience and to ensure attendees are properly matched with their home district legislators. If your home is out-of-state, you are free to use your college address.


Pharmacy Student Legislative Day Registration is now Open.
To Register, >>>CLICK HERE.<<<

Pharmacy Student Legislative Day 2018 Brochure

Note: Please remember to wear your lab coats! They make a big impact and help solidify the perception of pharmacists as part of the health care team. Plus they make for great pictures! The photos from last year were fantastic, and we’d like to get even better ones this year.

If you have any questions, please email Antonio Ciaccia at We look forward to seeing you in Columbus on February 27!

 2016 OPA Legislative Day Students


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