The Ohio Pharmacists Association (OPA) announced today that Brigid Groves, R.Ph., PharmD, MS of Dublin, Ohio was installed as President-Elect at the OPA 140th Annual Conference held April 20-22 in Columbus. In addition, she was honored as a distinguished UNDER 40 award recipient for professional achievements and vision in the practice of pharmacy.
Groves has served as the Appointed Member-at-Large of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) New Practitioner Advisory Committee and has taken a leadership role in establishing OPA’s New Practitioner Experience group. Additionally, she has served as a New Practitioner Mentor for the APhA student chapter at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy and as previous OPA Trustee and Vice President.
Groves is Pharmacy Practice Coordinator for The Kroger Company and Kroger Patient Care Center, and is the Residency Program Director for PGY1/PGY2/MS Community Pharmacy Practice at Ohio State University. She earned a Doctor of Pharmacy and a Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences at The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy, and completed a two-year community pharmacy practice and administrative specialty practice residency at the OSU College of Pharmacy.
“While many pharmacists have made significant contributions to their communities and to public health as a whole, Brigid Groves’ commitment to the profession goes well beyond her work responsibilities. Her passion and respect for pharmacy is seemingly limitless,” said Ernest Boyd, OPA Executive Director.
OPA, established in 1879, represents more than 4,000 pharmacists, pharmacy educators, and pharmacy students throughout the state. It is OPA’s mission to unite the profession of pharmacy and encourage interprofessional relations, while promoting public health through education, discussion, and legislation.